I'm a SNEAKY SNAKE in SLITHER.IO - networldfactory.com


Views: 5041932
Like: 397042
Today we play classic slither.io and try and get the biggest snake possible!
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😊 This video is child friendly / kid friendly / family friendly!

Awesome Video Editor ► Russell

Awesome Thumbnail Maker ► Flash

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Music by Ninety9Lives
Tobu – Such Fun
Video Link:
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  1. Go one direction in till you hit a big person

  2. Can you gujs do sneaky sneak mod in AMONG US

  3. SSundee I was the snake with the red, blue and silver and then i give up

  4. I think everyone thought you said 390,000 likes

  5. SSundee. Wai wud. Yuo. Kill the. Baby. Snake you. AaaaaaEgry. Man

  6. I am away are you bored? I didn’t mean to say about you making that video. Goodbye.

  7. Do you know good I am I reached 6000 real actual

  8. When you speed you lose some of your score

  9. Ooooooliving on a prayer by bon jovey o and Henry is foot

  10. my favorite color is blue,green and black

  11. If your reading this go outside and find a leaf clover and you’ll find one

  12. Hey SSundee that's me the rainbow snake that's me

  13. Nooooo SSundee why you kill me in the slither snake why

  14. We watch your videos because you good entertaining content

  15. It's been 4 years since this video was posted and it got 396k likes

  16. 7:57 because ur a good content creator & also pls make more random roles vids cuz i love them and I NEED MOREEEE

  17. Because blue is my favorite color too 😁 so I'm going to like

  18. 10000000000000000000000k likes and ssunde will get a foot😎😎😎😎😎😎

  19. 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 likes in 1 hour😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎

  20. This is the first video that I've watched and also what's your name again

  21. You qualified as a sneaky snake, and I qualified as the snake strangler

  22. The snake in 7:22:there is nothing we could do… *ends himself cutely*

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